Maryland Right to Life, Inc. is dedicated to tirelessly advocating for legal protections and legislative measures that defend the dignity and worth of all innocent human lives. Maryland Right to Life Foundation emphasizes educational initiatives designed to inform and empower citizens with knowledge about critical life-affirming issues. Together, our efforts are focused on promoting and upholding the sanctity of human life at every stage, from conception to natural death, ensuring that every life is valued and respected in our society.
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Help support our mission by generously making a donation today. Together, we can stand for life and protect our values in the state of Maryland.

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Maryland Right to Life Foundation, a registered 501c3 charitable organization, is dedicated to educational programs to inform citizens about abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and the destruction of human embryos and life affirming alternatives.

Political Action

The Right to Life Political Action Committee of Maryland (PAC) is a separate organization registered with the State of Maryland and the Federal Elections Commission.


We are always recruiting volunteers to join us at health fairs, festivals, and other community outreach events throughout the state to talk with people about the work of MDRTL and how they can get involved.